CfP: “Greek ethnos states” Delphi, 25-27 May 2015

New Call for Papers

International Symposium “Greek ethnos states: internal mechanics, external relations”. Delphi, European Cultural Centre of Delphi, May 25 to 27, 2015

Organizers: Professors Hans Beck (McGill) and Kostas Buraselis (Athens)

The ‘ethnic turn’ has led to a paradigm shift in Classics and Ancient History. In Greek history, it toppled the traditional view that the various ethnos states of the Classical and Hellenistic periods (the Boiotians, Achaians, Malians, and others) drew on a late-Mycenaean pedigree of tribal togetherness. Instead, it appears that their leagues were built on essentially changing, flexible, and relatively late constructions of regional identities that took shape most often only in the Archaic period.

The implications are far-reaching. They impact the conception of an ethnos’ political organization, including the full array of non-violent interactions between the members of the league; and they spill over into the study of external relations. It has been posited that in their conduct of foreign policy, ethnē often resorted to a federal program. Did ethnē emulate each other, and did they inspire others to adopt a federal organization? More recently, it was argued that their foreign policy was charged with ethnicized attitudes. Did the idea of ethnic togetherness generally influence foreign policy? And, did everyone subscribe to the same blueprint of ethnicized claims? This question is an important one. If the members of a league disagreed on this issue, it becomes obvious that the basic tenets of ethnic identity, commonly understood as aggregative forces, were also prone to fuel sentiments of political fragmentation within an ethnos.

The European Cultural Centre of Delphi is a congenial venue to discuss the foreign policy of ethnē and explore the potential direction of future research in the field. The conference program includes visits to the site and museum of Delphi as well as the Plain of Krisa.

The European Cultural Centre of Delphi is a congenial venue to discuss the foreign policy of ethnē and explore the potential direction of future research in the field. The conference program includes visits to the site and museum of Delphi as well as the Plain of Krisa.

Submissions of paper proposals (max. 500 words) should be sent to one of the two organizers at or by May 30, 2014. Conference languages: English, French, German.

The Delphi Centre offers subsidized accommodation to participants for the duration of the event, including the arrival day (May 24 to May 27).

The publication of papers presented at the symposium is intended (peer review).

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Stefano Caneva (18 mars 2014). CfP: “Greek ethnos states” Delphi, 25-27 May 2015. Anathema. Consulté le 7 février 2025 à l’adresse

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