Nouvelle conférence sur la place des femmes dans les systèmes politiques aux périodes hellénistique et romaine. Les contributions abordent plusieurs questions concernant la vie religieuse dans les royaumes hellénistiques, en particulier par rapport à la figure religieuse des souverains.
Femmes influentes dans le monde hellénistique et à Rome
IIe table ronde, Lausanne, 6 Juin 2014
La démarche comparatiste entre deux périodes et deux mondes qui voient fonctionner des cours – monarchiques ou impériales – permet d’approfondir le raisonnement et de poser nettement la question des transmissions, des évolutions et des permanences dans le monde aulique. Textes littéraires, inscriptions, papyri et monnaies seront utilisés dans ces réflexions. Ces deux tables-rondes ont pour but affirmé de créer le dialogue entre les chercheurs qui sont invités à présenter des communications « ouvertes », destinées à faire naître des interrogations auxquelles un groupe de « participants- questionneurs » apportent leurs réponses éventuelles ou leurs propres réflexions.
A Roma, il Museo Nazionale Romano ospita nella sede di Palazzo Altemps una nuova mostra dedicata al Piccolo Donario Pergameno, parte dell’ex voto originariamente donato ad Atena da Attalo I (269 a.C. – 197 a.C.), in memoria delle sue vittorie. Continuer la lecture de Nuova mostra: La Gloria dei Vinti. Pergamo, Atene, Roma→
Upcoming conference on the representations of the descent to the Underworld in Greek and Roman Antiquity. Some papers deal with topics related to Hellenistic religion.
Katábasis dans la tradition littéraire et la pensée religieuse de la Grèce
New Publication on the theme of the representations of Hellenistic monarchic power through monuments and their connection with rituals. The chronological and regional focus makes this study particularly interesting with regard to the Eastern Mediterranean world at the passage from Hellenistic to Roman times. Chapter 5 offers a large overview of cults for rulers. Continuer la lecture de New Publication: A.J.M. Kropp, Images and Monuments of Near Eastern Dynasts→
New publication on the theme of court and elites in the Hellenistic Empire. After being available online since 2007, R. Strootman’s PhD thesis finally appears as a book, now in a considerably revised version, and is expected to become a reference for the study of Hellenistic political, social and cultural history. Scholars in Hellenistic religion will find this book of seminal interest for any research approaching Hellenistic religions from a sociological perspective. Continuer la lecture de New publication: R. Strootman, Courts and Elites in the Hellenistic Empires→
New Call for papers on the subject of movements and contacts in Ancient Turkey. Scholars may find this call interesting for proposals concerning religious contacts and movements of people as bearers of religious habits in Hellenistic Asia Minor. Continuer la lecture de CfP on people’s movements and contacts in Asia Minor→
Nuova pubblicazione in edizione economica BUR dei libri IV-VIII di Diodoro Siculo, con introduzione e commento. Questi libri sono di particolare importanza per lo studio della cultura e della religione ellenistica. Contengono, fra l’altro, la trattazione diodorea di alcuni fra i principali cicli mitologici greci, nonché i frammenti della Hiera anagraphe di Evemero, uno dei testi più significativi in merito alla ricezione culturale dei culti regali in età alto-ellenistica. Continuer la lecture de Nuova pubblicazione: G. Cordiano, M. Zorat, Diodoro Siculo→