Archives par mot-clé : Dionysos

Nuova pubblicazione: G. Cordiano, M. Zorat, Diodoro Siculo

Nuova pubblicazione in edizione economica BUR dei libri IV-VIII di Diodoro Siculo, con introduzione e commento. Questi libri sono di particolare importanza per lo studio della cultura e della religione ellenistica. Contengono, fra l’altro, la trattazione diodorea di alcuni fra i principali cicli mitologici greci, nonché i frammenti della Hiera anagraphe di Evemero, uno dei testi più significativi in merito alla ricezione culturale dei culti regali in età alto-ellenistica. Continuer la lecture de Nuova pubblicazione: G. Cordiano, M. Zorat, Diodoro Siculo

New Publication: Archéologie et religion : le sanctuaire dionysiaque de S. Abbondio à Pompéi

New publication concerning the archaeological campaign held in 2008 at the Dionysiac sanctuary of Sant’Abbonio in Pompei

Mélange de l’Ecole française de Rome – Antiquité, 215.1

Index; English/French abstracts; full html texts; good quality pictures; final bibliography available at the following link:

Abstract of the introduction by W. Van Andringa

An archaeological campaign was carried out in the temple of S. Abbondio at Pompeii in 2008. As well as the methodological aspect, which concerned the interdisciplinary approach of a cult place dedicated to Loufir-Dionysos, the aim was to try to describe the phases and the history of this well-known sanctuary at Pompeii. One question was the dating of the Doric temple located on a small hill, today eroded away, overlooking the Sarno valley. The data collected seem to show that the hill had been occupied during the Bronze Age and in the Archaic period, but there is at the moment no evidence of an earlier cult place. The construction of the temple took place in the middle of the third century BC. Another important element is the dating of the ramp and the inscribed altar, which would be later than the temple. There is, however, no trace of a thiasos before the Imperial period. The study is completed by an analysis of the archaeological material discovered in the ancient and new excavations: inscriptions, reliefs of the pediment, pottery, animal bones and plant remains.


New publication: D. Barbu, Ph. Borgeaud, Y. Volokhine (eds), Mondes clos. Cultures et jardins

New publication on the topic of gardens and their religious and symbolical significance.
In addition to its intriguing comparative approach to the topic of the cultural significance of gardens in several different historical contexts, this book will prove particularly useful for scholars dealing with the construction of monarchic power in the Hellenistic period, at the crossreads between the political semantics of space-making, religion, and the symbolical construction of hierarchy through the accession to royal tryphe.
On the topic of closed royal spaces in Hellenistic palaces and their precedents (especially in Achaemenid Persia), cf.
Rice, E., 1983, The Grand Procession of Ptlemy Philadelphus, Oxford, 86-99.
Briant, P., 1996, Histoire de l’Empire perse. De Cyrus à Alexandre, Paris, esp. I 98-99, 244-251, 456-459.
Nielsen, I., 1999, Hellenistic Palaces: Tradition and Renewal (Studies in Hellenistic Civilization 5), Aahrus, esp.13-26, 49-51.
Strootman, R., 2007, The Hellenistic Royal Court: Court Culture, Ceremonial and Ideology in Greece, Egypt and the Near East, 336-30 BCE, Diss. Utrecht, 89-91 (
Caneva, S.G., (forthcoming), From Alexander to the Theoi Adelphoi: Foundation and Legitimation of a Dynasty (Studia Hellenistica), Leuven, Chapter 3.

Mondes clos. Cultures et jardins

D. Barbu, Ph. Borgeaud, Y. Volokhine (eds) (Université de Genève)

À l’origine était le jardin. éden biblique, paradis persan, jardins clos d’innombrables mythes et récits. La condition des mortels découle de l’arrachement à ce premier terreau. L’humain dès lors n’a de cesse d’en repenser la perfection et de la reproduire en autant de paradis miniatures. Le jardin, en réduisant le monde à un espace clos, tente de se l’approprier et de le dominer. En ceci, il remplit une fonction d’ordre magique.
Mondes clos est le résultat d’une rencontre interdisciplinaire organisée au printemps 2011 par l’Unité d’histoire des religions de l’Université de Genève en collaboration avec Asdiwal, revue genevoise d’anthropologie et d’histoire des religions.